Tuesday, September 11, 2007

naming my blog

Let me just start off by saying that coming up with a name for my blog was more difficult than naming my children. The biggest concern I had when naming my boys was will they get their ass kicked for this name? Some people feel they need to see their child first, get to know their personality. Trust me, you don't see their true personality the first few weeks. Some of the greatest kids I know where horribly colic babies. So back to the blog, I wanted the tittle to be sassy, creative and fun. I wanted it to mean something and make people want to read it. ( Blogdorf Goodman has to be the best name out there.) So I did some research which took so much longer than expected. If I thought of a great name and someone was using it I had to read what they wrote. Then I had a brain block and could not think of anything creative. I will not tell you how many hours I wasted on this task, but if anyone knows of a good support group for people who become obsessive over minor things please let know. So I finally settled on the idea that it would mean something. Here is the story behind the name. During both of my pregnancies I suffered from hyperemosis. Which means I threw up all day, everyday for the first 20weeks of my pregnancy. My day was pretty much like this, wake up, dry heave, try to eat and take a quick shower before my breakfast came up. throw up, drive to work, say good morning, throw up, check email, dry heave, try to eat lunch, throw up, work, throw up, drive home and pray that I don't throw up in my car. Get home throw up, hook up to an IV and go to bed. It was so bad that it did not even phase my husband to see me get sick, now girls you know that's bad. After doing this for weeks I had no energy left and took a leave from work. As I type this I can not believe I had a second child. I got to the point where I could no longer drive myself to my doctor appointments. My mom came to my rescue. I love my mom dearly, however, there I was feeling good if I showered before my appointment and wouldn't you know every time she would look at me and say........... ..Honey, you need to put on a little lipstick, your all washed out!!!!!!!!!!

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